Pride and Principle [WIP]


Is sticking to your principles when the going gets tough, an indication of pride?

Imagine this. You’re running a fledgling restaurant business with your four employees. You’ve raised significant funding from different investors to launch your ambitious franchise, for which you’ve already acquired many aspiring restaurant owners who also have invested capital. But then, the investors withdraw at the last minute, only for you to realise it was all a ploy by your rival. While having to deal with hurt reputation and angry customers, your employee’s grandmother, who also happens to be a rich investor, offers to help you with capital as favour. Do you accept it or refuse because you don’t want to use your employee as leverage? (If all this sounds like a plot out of a drama, you’re right. It is. Danbam!)

Like every moral dilemma, there are different sides to this. As the owner, you’re responsible for your employee’s wellness at work, hence accepting the favour would mean fulfilling the responsibility. But on the other hand, there’s the case of an unfavourable means to achieve the favourable end.

[Ethical relativism]

Jayamohan’s Aram captures the real-life stories of twelve individuals who were absolutists in their idealism, irrespective of how it affected them.